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张忠强 教授 博士生导师
发布日期:2024-04-03   浏览次数:

张忠强 博士/教授/博士生导师  必赢优惠y272net院长

大连理工大学 工学博士






张忠强,1981年生,2010年毕业于大连理工大学工程力学系,获工学博士学位;美国加州大学伯克利分校(2018.10-2020.01)、密西西比州立大学(2008.05-2009.01)访问学者。现任必赢优惠y272net必赢优惠y272net教授、博士生导师、机械学院院长。兼任中国仪器仪表学会微纳器件与系统技术分会理事、江苏省力学学会计算力学专业委员会委员、江苏省光伏科学与工程协同创新中心理事、江苏省力学学会能源结构力学专业委员会委员;兼任英国物理皇家协会(IOP)期刊国际顾问、《机械设计与制造工程》期刊编委、《Advanced Manufacturing》期刊青年编委等。


Science AdvancesNano EnergyChemical Engineering JournalACS Applied Materials & InterfacesApplied Physics LettersPhysical Review BPhysical Review E等本领域国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文90余篇,他引1000余次;撰写英文专著1部,授权发明专利20余件。研究成果获江苏省科学技术一等奖、2023 ICCES杰出青年学者奖、第六届中国青少年科技创新奖、辽宁省/大连理工大学优秀博士学位论文等;入选江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师。


1. 微纳流动与流固界面、流体器件

2. 柔性驱控、软体机器人


1. Zhang Z.Q., Li S.F.*, Mi B.X., Wang J.B., Ding J.N.*, Surface slip on rotating graphene membrane enables the temporal selectivity that breaks the permeability-selectivity tradeoff. Science Advances, 6: eaba9471 (2020). (Science子刊, IF 14.957)

2. Zhang F.J., Wang Z.Y., Liu Z., Gao X., Song Y.Y., Cheng G.G., Zhang Z.Q.*, Ding J.N.*, Cross-hatch Textured Cone Enables Dual-Mode Water Transport and Collection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 478: 147336 (2023) (SCI一区; IF 15.1)

3. Zhang Z.Q., Guo X.F., Tang H.Y., Ding J.N., Zheng Y.G.*, Li S.F.*, Unidirectional self-driving liquid droplet transport on a monolayer graphene-covered textured substrate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(31): 28562-28570 (2019). (SCI一区; IF 10.383)

4. Gao X., Zhang F.J., Zhang Z.Q.*, Wang Z.Y., Song Y.Y., Cheng G.G., Ding J.N.*, Ultrahigh Efficient Collection of Underwater Bubbles by High Adsorption and Transport, Coalescence, and Collection Integrating a Conical Arrayed Surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15: 54119-54128 (2023). (SCI一区; IF 10.383)

5. Zhang F.J., Zhang Z.Q.*, Liu Z., Cheng G.G., Li S.F.*, Ding J.N.* On the temporal selectivity of desalination for a porous composite graphene-copper membrane (GCuM): A molecular dynamics study. Desalination, 546: 116182 (2023) (SCI一区; IF 11.211)

6. Song Y.Y., Zhang X., Yang J.L., Zhang Z.Q.*, Cheng G.G., Liu Y., Lv G.J., Yu Z.P.*, Ultrafast sorption of micro-oil droplets within water by superhydrophobic-superoleophilic conical micro-arrays. Separation and Purification Technology 315: 123651 (2023). (SCI一区; IF 9.136)

7. Song Y.Y., Yang J.L., Zhang X., Zhang Z.Q.*, Hu X.H.*, Cheng G.G., Liu Y., Lv G.J., Ding J.N.*, Temperature-responsive peristome-structured smart surface for the unidirectional controllable motion of large droplets. Microsystems & Nanoengineering 9:119 (2023). (SCI一区; IF 7.9)

8. Zhang Z.Q.*, Zhang F.J., Huang Q.J., Cheng G.G., Ding J.N.*, Ultrafast spontaneous driving of water droplets on monolayer graphene-covered gradient nanopillared surfaces. Applied Surface Science, 515: 145976 (2020). (SCI一区; IF 7.392)

9. Zhang H.W.*, Zhang Z.Q., Zheng Y.G., Ye H.F., Corrected second-order slip boundary condition for fluid flows in nanochannels. Physical Review E, 81: 066303 (2010). (美国BioMedLib 微纳流动领域Top10论文)

10. Zhang Z.Q.*, Zhang H.W.*, and Ye H.F., Pressure-driven flow in parallel-plate nanochannels. Applied Physics Letters, 95: 154101 (2009). (SCI一区; IF 3.971)



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